Achieving Your Dream Wedding Hair

You’ve been planning the day for weeks, months, perhaps years…that’s right “the” BIG day. Everything simply must be perfect, as every bride of wants it to be, for herself, her guests, but especially for her groom. This summer, wedding hairstyles are all about effortless romance with that twist of classic glamour, that knock-down gorgeous, laidback look that took hours to achieve but looks effortless and natural. Let’s explore how hair extensions help achieve these looks for Summer 2018.

Popular Extensions Add Volume and Length

When it comes to your wedding day, perhaps more than ever, the phrase “your crown is your halo” is correct. Some of the most popular hair extensions are light volume ones for when you want to add some volume and coverage. Some brides who have medium length hair just want to add some length. A luxury length extension has a base that clips right around your crown, allowing the added length to blend naturally with your own hair. Don’t let the word extension scare you – your hairstylist can and will make them look perfectly natural and can help you from making any common hair extension mistakes, which you don’t want on your wedding day. real hair extensions

Extension Do’s And Dont’s:

DO find an extension that will offer you some multi-level coloration. In other words, you want your shade to feature at least 7 to 11 different colors which are to be, of course, hand-blended. DO curl your extension and your real hair ‘together’ DO ensure that if you wash and condition your extensions before the big day that you give enough time for them to air dry. DON’T clip length extensions ‘too’ close to your hairline. This may cause your extension to possibly slip out, which will again not be a good thing on your wedding day, as well as being uncomfortable. And lastly… DO purchase your extensions in plenty of time for whichever stylist you choose to practice and attach them to your hair weeks before the wedding. ( Then and only then have them cut for a custom, one of a kind fit for your face and features and hair style.)

Last Minute Styling Tips for your Extensions

Here are just a couple of quick tips to help your real hair extensions look and feel their best. It is recommended that you tease the area where the extension is to go and then spray with hairspray lightly to create a ‘grip’ for the extension to clip to. This allows hold and no slippage. Also, for your curling iron, don’t set it too hot, recommended temperature is 300-350 degrees and then alternate with 1-inch sections from front to back, as this allows for a completely natural look.
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