3 Career Tips for Working Women

Whether you are starting a new job or looking to advance at your current one, the workplace can be a tricky place to navigate as a woman. You might have heard the old adage “you have to work twice as hard to get half as much.” While it might not be that extreme in this day and age (finally!), the sentiment remains that there are plenty of things women have to worry about in order to be taken seriously at work that men just don’t. The following three tips will help you act and look the part of a consummate professional, by anyone’s standards. Look Professional It may seem like a no brainer but looking like a professional businessperson is half the battle to being one, at least when it comes to perception. Let’s face it, we all have our days when we oversleep our alarm clocks and come to work a little more…disheveled, than usual. However, looking like an unmade bed won’t help the way others perceive you. Things like coming to work with wet hair, wrinkly clothes, or lint covered pants can make you look like you lack attention to detail and time management. Wearing clothes that are “borderline” professional, such as a questionable hem length or sheer top, can cause others to perceive you as someone who cares more about being fashionable than being professional. Finally, it might not be fair but the research is pretty clear on this one—wearing make-up at work will make others take you more seriously. If you don’t have time to apply a full face every day, at least apply a little foundation, blush, and a swipe of mascara or lip color. On those days that you want to roll out of bed in your favorite top knot—aim for a well-groomed bun instead. Crown extensions are an easy way to add volume to a bun, pony tail, or sleek professional look that will make it look like you tried a lot harder than you did. crown extension Be a Leader You don’t have to be a manager to be a leader within your organization but you do have to be engaged and take initiative. You’ll be surprised how many people will be relieved to simply follow along when someone else steps up. Being engaged within your company should be multi-faceted—volunteer for work projects, cross functional teams, social committees, and charitable events. Introduce yourself to new employees and act as a guide for questions. Even if you’re the person who is in charge of the company’s annual Turkey Trot or volleyball champ—people will assume you can take the lead when it comes to work-related projects as well.

Listen to Understand

So much of our lives we spend listening to respond, instead of listening to understand. When given directions from your superiors or your colleagues, try to figure out what it is they actually want you to accomplish—which may often differ from what they are telling you. Understanding the root issues or desired goals can completely change the way you tackle a project, for the better.
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