Female Hair Loss – Questions & Answers

Hair loss in women is a surprisingly common phenomenon. In fact, 40% of all those that suffer from hair loss are women. While hair loss is primarily a physically loss for men, it is oftentimes both a physical and an emotional loss for women. Though many women suffer from hair loss, this struggle is less known as it is less acceptable for a woman to discuss hair loss than for a man, thanks in large part to societal beauty norms. The following three questions will discuss the most common questions you might have about female hair loss.

What Causes Female Hair Loss?

Though it can be difficult to pinpoint an exact cause, the most common culprits of female hair loss are family history, hormonal imbalances, or medical conditions. Female-pattern baldness is by far the most common cause of hair loss and this condition is in fact hereditary. This usually presents as thinning hair in women but it can also include bald spots or a receding hair line. This type of hair loss is usually permanent. Hormonal imbalances or medical conditions typically, but not always, cause temporary hair loss. Examples of this may include pregnancy, menopause, skin disorders, or infection. Exposure to radiation, such as chemotherapy in cancer patients, can also cause temporary hair loss.

How Does Hair Grow?

The average person grows about 6 inches of hair per year. The hair goes through three phases of its life cycle: Anagen, Catogen, and Telogen. At any given time, each hair on your head can be in any of these three cycles at the same time. In the Anagen phase, the hair is actively growing—about 1 centimeter every month. The Catogen phase is known as the transition phase. About 3% of all hairs are in this phase at any given time. The hair stops growing and club hairs are formed. Finally, the Telogen phase is when the club hairs are shed—in fact, anywhere from 25 to 100 will be shed each day. Women who suffer from hormonal imbalances may have growth cycles in which the Anagen, or growth phase, is too short or the Telogen, or shedding phase, is too long.

What Are The Options For Treatment?

full volume extension For women that suffer from temporary hair loss, hair growth will resume once the underlying issue is resolved—having a baby, correcting imbalances with medication, better diet, ending chemotherapy treatment, etc. For these women, hair growth will resume but some might find that it takes a little longer than they’d like it to. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to cover up any thinning or bald spots. Luxury hair pieces are a natural looking way to disguise problem areas. Hats, baseball caps, scarves, and carefully arranged hair are all good options. For those who have permanent hair loss, there are treatments available such as medication (you’ve probably heard about Rogaine for men but it has also been successful for women), hair implants, hair follicle implants, hair extensions and wigs.
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