A woman with long brunette hair sleeping in a light room.

Jun 17, 2024

Tips for keeping your hair extensions flawless 24/7

Nighttime is for Netflix binges, midnight snacks, and... battling with hair extensions? Yep, if you’ve ventured into the world of luscious locks via extensions, you know the drama doesn’t end when you hit the sheets. Those long, voluminous tresses can turn into a tangled mess by morning if you’re not careful.


But hold up, it’s not all doom and gloom. With the right moves, you can turn your eight hours into a rejuvenating time for your hair extensions, too. Follow these steps, and you'll wake up with yours looking just as gorgeous as they did the day you put them in. 


How to sleep with hair extensions

When it comes to hair extensions, what happens at night doesn't stay at night. In fact, how you handle your extensions while you snooze can make a big difference in their lifespan and appearance. Whether they're clipped, sewn, taped, or micro-linked, each type demands its own set of nighttime rules to stay looking stellar.

Tape-in extensions

Sew-in extensions

Tape-ins are the divas of the hair extension world; they need your gentlest touch. Make sure your roots are bone dry before you hit the hay to keep those adhesives from slipping. To avoid any nighttime drama, loosely braid or tie your hair—think relaxed vibes only. This not only keeps your style on point but also protects those delicate tapes from turning into a tangled mess.

Sew-in extensions offer durability, but they still need proper nighttime care. Swap your regular pillowcase for a satin one to cut down on friction and prevent the dreaded matting. It’s a simple switch that keeps your wefts smooth and your scalp happy. Satin reduces tension and helps your extensions live their best life, longer.

Clip-in extensions

Micro-link extensions

Clip-ins are the ultimate hack for switching up your hair game instantly. But what about when it’s time to hit the sheets? You may be wondering: “Can I sleep with clip-in hair extensions?”. While it's not generally recommended due to the strain on your scalp, sometimes you may want to keep them in overnight. 

If that's the case, here’s how to sleep with clip-in extensions safely: secure them in a loose ponytail at the nape of your neck. This positioning minimizes stress on your scalp and helps prevent tangles and damage, better for your overall hair health and the lifespan of your extensions. 

Micro-links are the little warriors of the extension world, but even warriors need armor. Shield them with a silk head wrap or bonnet to avoid any midnight battles with tangles. Silk keeps everything smooth and aligned, ensuring you wake up not only with your hairstyle intact but also ready to conquer the day.


Remember, the goal is to reduce tension, avoid tangles, and prolong the life of your extensions. With these nighttime tips, you’ll maximize your investment and keep your hair looking flawless, day and night.


Your “sleeping with hair extensions” checklist 

Got the basics down? Great, let’s level up those nighttime rituals to keep your hair looking its best from dusk till dawn. Here are some more strategies for salon-worthy care:


☐ Hydrate every night before bed

Spritz your extensions lightly with a leave-in conditioner or a fine mist of hair oil before you hit the sack. Opt for products specifically designed for extensions to avoid loosening bonds or adhesives. This step keeps the hair soft and reduces tangling and breakage risks.


☐ Put your hair in braids or a loose ponytail

Aim to loosely braid or tie back your hair to reduce tension and limit movement that can lead to tangling. This is particularly effective for longer extensions and helps maintain their alignment and prevents them from getting matted.


☐ Wear a night cap or silk scarf 

To further protect your hair, consider wrapping it in a silk scarf or wearing a nightcap. This extra layer of protection can help keep everything in place, particularly for styles like sew-ins and micro-links, which are more intricate and prone to shifting.


☐ Lay on a silk or satin pillowcase

If you’re not wearing headgear, consider swapping out your cotton pillowcase for a satin or silk one can significantly reduce friction—one of the main culprits of tangling and matting overnight. This simple switch can make a huge difference, offering a smoother surface that allows your hair to glide as you turn in your sleep.


☐ Detangle your hair when you wake up 

Start your day by gently detangling your extensions. Use a wide-tooth comb or a soft bristle brush, beginning from the ends and working your way up to avoid pulling. This morning ritual helps smooth out any overnight knots gently.


☐ Apply a deep-conditioning treatment weekly 

Dedicate one night a week to giving your extensions a deep-conditioning treatment. Apply a nourishing hair mask suitable for extensions to revive and refresh the strands. Think of it as a spa day that keeps them bouncy and vibrant.


☐ Give your extensions some regular TLC

Lastly, make regular maintenance part of your routine. Check the security of clips and bonds, and gently detangle your extensions with a wide-tooth comb or a soft bristle brush, starting from the ends and working up to reduce stress on the hair.


Folding these steps into your nightly wind-down will pretty much guarantee that both you and your hair wake up on the right side of the bed, ready to take on the day with minimal effort and maximum sass.


How to sleep comfortably with hair extensions

Good news if you thought sleeping comfortably with hair extensions was a myth. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised; below are some of the best ways to sleep with hair extensions. 

Back sleepers

Side sleepers

Stomach sleepers

Sleeping on your back is the gold standard if you have hair extensions. This position allows your hair to lay flat behind you, minimizing any pressure on the extension bonds and preventing tangles. You’re also less likely to toss and turn in this position, which is a huge bonus for your hair extensions.

Love sleeping on your side? No problem. You can still protect your extensions by slightly adjusting how your hair rests. Try gathering your hair into a soft, low ponytail or a loose braid at the nape of your neck. This keeps your extensions from getting trapped under your shoulder, reducing pull and discomfort.

If you’re a stomach sleeper, you’re facing a bit more of a challenge. To cope, consider braiding your hair or placing it in a loose ponytail up on top of your head, like a pineapple. This style keeps your extensions from getting squished under your body and helps prevent tangling and matting through the night.


Adapting these sleeping strategies will not only improve your comfort but also extend the life of your extensions. No more waking up wondering if your hair went through a battle overnight—instead, you’ll rise feeling refreshed, with your extensions still perfectly in place.


How to tuck your clip-in hair extensions in at night

We've already established that it's best practice to remove your clip-in hair extensions before bed to save your scalp and your style. Once they're out, give them a gentle brush to detangle any knots—just like you would with your natural hair. Then, lay them flat on a clean, dry surface or hang them up neatly to keep them smooth and ready for action the next day. This simple routine not only keeps your extensions in great shape but also means they’ll continue to blend right into your natural hair once clipped back in. 


Lock down your nighttime extensions routine

There you have it—an expert stylist’s blueprint for turning night into a nurturing time for your hair extensions. Incorporating these hacks into your evening regimen isn't just about upkeep; it's about waking up day after day with hair that's ready to go, no rescue needed. So embrace these nightly practices, and let your locks—and your confidence—shine. Here’s to great hair days, every day, straight out of bed!