Full Volume Extension vs. Root Coverage Volume Extension: What’s the Difference?

Add more volume to hair with hair extensions.

Whether you want to add a little extra oomph to your hairstyle or want to cover hair loss, hair extensions for volume can be a great option for you. 

The Lauren Ashtyn Collection has great options for both full-volume extensions and root-volume hair extensions. In fact, they’re so similar, they’re almost identical! They’re both clip-in hair extensions to add volume, and they both attach comfortably to the top of your head with four customizable, damage-free clips. 

They both come in a variety of colors and lengths, so you can choose one that will easily blend in with your natural hair. Once clipped in properly, both the full volume hair extension and the root volume hair extensions will seamlessly cover thinning natural hair and the Lauren Ashtyn Crown Extension. 

If these two types of extensions for volume are so similar, what makes them different? The differences between the two pieces are subtle, but bold enough to impact your choice. Let’s dive into it: 

Learn More About Full-Volume Hair Extensions

The Full Volume Extension has almost double the amount of hair compared to the Root Coverage Volume Extension. If you’ re suffering from extreme hair loss, hoping to cut bangs into your hairpiece, or simply looking for maximum volume, Volume Extension was made for you.

Its mesh base covers a larger portion of your scalp so it can reach further if you are experiencing hair loss across a large portion of your scalp. The added volume to the top of your head is enough to cut bangs into while still having a big, voluptuous look overall.

Learn more about Root Volume Hair Extensions

The Root Coverage Extension has less hair and is generally smaller than the Full Volume Extension. If you’re suffering from mild hair thinning especially around your part, looking to cover your Crown Extension, or just hoping to add a little extra volume to your natural hair, then the Root Coverage Extension is perfect for you!

Its mesh base was designed to cover mainly your part area, so it is smaller and covers less of your scalp than the Full Volume Extension. The added volume to the top of your head is just enough to give you that extra boost of confidence, but it doesn’t have enough to incorporate bangs. If you want the option for bangs or want the illusion of thicker hair, then consider the full-volume hair extension route instead.

Get Even Thicker Hair by Using Both!

If you're looking for even more volume than either of these kinds of hair extensions has to offer, you can also stack them for big events like weddings or pageants!

To start, clip one extension to your natural hair, and then line up your first Volume Extensions part with the next, and simply clip in the next Volume Extension! This will give you tons of extra hair for fancy up-do’s and big, voluptuous waves.

Get Help Finding Your Perfect Match

If you're on the fence about which one would match what you're looking for, feel free to email us or live chat with us on our website! One of our expert stylists will be happy to talk to you about what you're looking for, what would go with your natural hair, and even what color matches your hair perfectly.


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