Here's what you need to know about coloring virgin hair for the first time

Feb 29, 2024

Here's what you need to know about coloring virgin hair for the first time

Unlocking the secrets to perfectly colored virgin hair


Talking about hair coloring can be both thrilling and a tad overwhelming, especially when you're working with coloring virgin hair for the very first time. 

There's a certain charm to transforming your look with a fresh, vibrant color––iIt's like opening the door to a new dimension of self-expression (and humans have been altering their hair color since ancient times). But hey, let's keep it real—the process can be fraught with questions and a tiny bit of anxiety. 

Wondering how to ensure your virgin hair takes the color just right? Maybe you're thinking about coloring virgin hair without bleach? Whatever your concerns, you're in the right place. 

This guide is all about demystifying the journey of giving your virgin hair its very first splash of color. From selecting the perfect shade to nailing the application and maintenance, we’ve got you covered. 

Keep reading for everything you need to know about transforming your hair into a reflection of your personal style. 

Understanding virgin hair 

When it comes to coloring, virgin hair is like a blank canvas—untouched, unprocessed, and full of potential. This type of hair has never been altered by chemical processes like coloring, perming, or relaxing, making it uniquely receptive to new colors. Its natural state not only means that it's typically healthier and stronger but also that it can react differently to color than hair that's been previously treated.

One of the most significant characteristics of virgin hair is its natural texture and color. Since it hasn't been exposed to chemicals, virgin hair retains its original texture and hue, which can range from fine and straight to thick and curly, each with its own natural shine. This untouched quality means that the hair cuticles are intact and closed, providing a smooth surface for the color to adhere to.

Before we talk about the coloring process, it’s crucial to ensure that virgin hair is in its best condition. This is where The Lauren Ashtyn Collection steps in with nourishing shampoos, perfect for prepping virgin hair for coloring. Using a high-quality shampoo can help to remove any build-up and ensure the hair is clean and hydrated––essential preparation to achieving an even application of color and the most vibrant results.

In the next section, you’ll learn how to prepare your virgin hair for the coloring process, ensuring it’s primed and ready to take on a beautiful new hue.

Preparing virgin hair for coloring



Preparing virgin hair for coloring is like getting a canvas ready for painting––it's all about creating the perfect base for the color to shine. Start by assessing your hair's health. Healthy, untreated hair is the ideal candidate for coloring, as it responds better to the dye and maintains color integrity.

The first step in preparation is a thorough cleansing. This means washing your hair to remove any build-up of oils, dirt, or products––so it’s important to pick nourishing shampoos that gently cleanse your hair while maintaining its natural moisture balance.

Next, let's talk about conditioning. Virgin hair, though healthy, can greatly benefit from a deep conditioning treatment. This step is crucial, as it hydrates your hair, ensuring it's strong and resilient. The Lauren Ashtyn Collection’s deep conditioning and strengthening treatments are perfect for this. They penetrate deep into the hair shaft, fortifying your hair and preparing it to receive the color evenly.

Remember, the goal is to start the coloring process with hair that's clean, hydrated, and strong. This preparation lays the foundation for a stunning color application and long-lasting results.

Choosing the right color and technique



Coloring virgin hair opens a world of possibilities, but picking the right color and technique is crucial. When selecting a color, consider your natural hair color, skin tone, and the look you want to achieve. For virgin hair, it's often recommended to stay within two to three shades of your natural color for a more natural, flattering result.

As for the technique, it really depends on your desired outcome. Options range from all-over color to highlights or balayage. Each technique offers a unique look, so consider what complements your style and personality.

Once you've colored your hair, maintaining its vibrancy is key. The Lauren Ashtyn Collection's color-safe styling products are designed to keep your colored hair looking fresh and vibrant. Their range includes products that protect color-treated hair from fading and maintain its shine and health.

Application process for successful home coloring

Applying color to virgin hair at home can be a rewarding experience if done correctly. Start by ensuring you have all the necessary tools and products. A good brush for even application is essential, so choose gentle brushes and tools that ensure a smooth and even color application, reducing the risk of patchiness.

Begin by sectioning your hair for more controlled application. Apply the color systematically, starting from the roots and working your way down. Be careful to cover each section thoroughly, but avoid over-saturating, as this can lead to uneven results.

Timing is everything. Follow the recommended time on the hair color product to achieve the desired shade. Over or under-processing can affect the color outcome and the health of your hair.

What to do if your virgin hair won't take color

Occasionally, you might encounter a scenario where, despite all the right steps, virgin hair resists coloring. This challenge can stem from several factors, from the hair’s natural porosity to previous hair treatments. Here’s a deeper dive into understanding these issues and how to address them.

Avoiding treatments and product buildup

If your hair has undergone treatments like Brazilian blowouts, it might become over-processed, affecting how well it absorbs color. However, a slight degree of damage can sometimes make hair more receptive to color.

Have a hair-care routine with more steps than the Eiffel Tower (1,665, to be exact), you’ll likely need to tackle product build-up. Regular use of generic shampoos, conditioners, and styling products can leave a residue that prevents color from penetrating the hair cuticle. Consider switching to products that don't leave buildup, making it easier for your hair to take on new color.

Switch to better washing and styling practices 

How and just how often you wash your hair can impact color retention. Overwashing, especially with hot water, can cause color to fade quickly because hot water tends to lift the cuticle, while cool or cold water helps in sealing it, preserving the color. 

Aim to wash your hair less frequently and use cooler water to extend the life of your hair color (Pro tip: make it part of a cold therapy shower routine for added benefits). 

Overuse of tools like curling irons and flat irons can damage the hair cuticle, making it challenging for the hair to retain color, so limiting the use of these tools is best to reduce damage. If you do use hot tools, make sure you prep your hair with a heat-protectant spray.

Consider water quality 

The type of water used for washing your hair can also affect color uptake. City and pool water, often high in chlorine and other chemicals, can hinder the hair’s ability to absorb color. Using filtered water for hair washing can be more beneficial in maintaining hair health and color integrity. If you’re unsure whether you have hard water, testing kits are available for you to check at home. 

Use the right products

For specific concerns, especially if you're considering a lighter shade, a mild bleach or pre-color treatment may be effective. Products formulated for virgin hair can penetrate more effectively. For personalized advice, consulting experts like ours at The Lauren Ashtyn Collection can be invaluable—our expertise can help you navigate these challenges and find tailored solutions for your hair type.

What to expect after coloring virgin hair

After coloring virgin hair, the transition from natural to colored strands will alter its texture and overall health. The extent of these changes largely depends on the color choice and the coloring process itself, including whether or not you are using bleach to achieve a lighter shade.

For those going for a lighter shade or a dramatic transformation, the change is more significant and can have a bigger impact on your hair health. 

Lightening involves a significant chemical process, which can alter the follicle structure. This means that post-coloring care needs to be more intensive, which means that regularly using strengthening and moisturizing conditioners and shampoos becomes vital to maintain the integrity and health of your newly colored hair.

No matter the chosen hue, adopting a salon-quality product routine is essential for maintaining the vibrancy and health of colored hair. Using shampoos and conditioners formulated for color-treated hair helps protect against fading, extending the life of your color. It’s also crucial to choose products wisely—avoid aggressive sulfates found in non-salon-quality products, as they can strip away color and leave hair feeling dry and damaged.

Additionally, regular color treatments, especially those involving bleach, can impact the hair's texture and moisture. While it's impossible to completely prevent damage, the right products can significantly restore the softness and moisture of your strands. Integrating a leave-in treatment into your self-care routine can make a world of difference in your hair’s health and appearance.

Coloring your hair means being ready to include regular upkeep in your hair care routine. Frequent salon visits can be costly and time-consuming, especially for significant color changes. For those new to coloring, a gradual shift or opting for styles like balayage or ombre can ease the maintenance process.

Lastly, expect multiple salon visits for drastic color changes, especially those that require bleaching. Going from a dark to a very light shade, for instance, is a process that often requires patience and multiple sessions to preserve hair health. 

Coloring virgin hair is exciting but requires a commitment to proper care and maintenance. With the right approach and products, you can enjoy a beautiful and healthy transformation!

Aftercare and maintenance

After coloring, you’ll need to prioritize the health and color maintenance of your newly tinted locks. If you want to keep your new look fresh, proper aftercare is essential to keep your hair healthy and your color vibrant.

First and foremost, invest in sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners, like those offered by The Lauren Ashtyn Collection. These products are gentler on colored hair and help preserve the color for longer, and in the case of blonde-specific shampoo and conditioner, will help tone your hair to prevent an unwanted brassy look. Avoid washing your hair too frequently, as this can strip away the color and natural oils.

Regular deep conditioning treatments are also a must. They nourish and repair any damage caused by the coloring process, ensuring your hair remains soft, shiny, and strong.

Lastly, protect your hair from environmental factors like sun exposure and chlorine, which can fade color and damage hair. Wearing a hat or using leave-in treatments with UV protection can help.

Embrace your new hue

Coloring virgin hair for the first time can be an exciting journey, leading to a beautiful transformation. By following these tips and using the right products, you can achieve stunning, long-lasting color results. 

Remember, the key to gorgeous colored hair is not just the color application but the care that follows. Explore The Lauren Ashtyn Collection today and take the first step towards your hair color dream.