How To Look Good After Your Workout

It’s 6:30 a.m. and you are done with your kickboxing class, you feel great, feeling strong and amazing, but you’ve just got 30 minutes before you have to catch the bus to work. Although you feel great, you might not quite ‘look’ so amazing after an hour of kickboxing before work. What to do? If you are running late and there is no time for a shower and a complete hair and make-up session, keep reading from some tips to look just as amazing as you feel and still catch the bus to work.

clip in top extensionThe Hair

The easiest and best way to look great after a fierce workout is with a clip in top extension. They clip on quickly, and there is no need to have to style your hair. Just clip and go, and you’re on your way to looking as fabulous as you feel. Clip in hair extensions are great for daily use, reducing stress on your hair from styling, and achieving the coverage, fullness, and length you want in seconds.

Wipe On – Wipe Off

If you leave oil residue on your skin after your workout, you are most likely headed for a breakout sometime early afternoon. Some sort of cleansing towelette is your friend for your post work out and before you go to work. The body washes at the gym shower are a no-no as they usually lack many of the essential oils that you need to keep your skin soft and healthy.

STOP. The Sweat.

Here is a nice trick if you have slick spots on your skin that won’t go away after your workout. Take a deodorant stick and lightly dab some spots where the shine is. This will help you mattify the skin – fast. This helps keep the oil under control which in turn keeps your makeup from looking as though it has just been melted off.

No More Red

In a post work out there are two kinds of red. The good one is that rosy glow and the bad one, of course, is the one that makes your face look like it is on fire. The fix for the fire red face is some good splashes of water, two or three times, over a couple of minutes. This constricts the blood vessels under the skin. After the water splash, try a spritz of toner to help the flush face look and feel better.

The Clothes

Hitting the gym before work can be challenging at best and if time is less than sufficient, that only further compounds the difficulty. The solution is, of course, take a change of clothes to the gym that are easily packed and wrinkle resistant. Another option is to hang the entire outfit together on a hanger, eliminating the need to haul along a large gym bag.
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