
The Stages of Female Patterned Baldness
Hair loss happens amongst all different types of people, male and female. At the Lauren Ashtyn Collection, we meet many different clients who are experiencing different stages of female patterned...
The Stages of Female Patterned Baldness
Hair loss happens amongst all different types of people, male and female. At the Lauren Ashtyn Collection, we meet many different clients who are experiencing different stages of female patterned...

Topper Care: How To Keep Your Topper Looking an...
Topper Care: How To Keep Your Topper Looking and Feeling Brand New At the Lauren Ashtyn Collection, we understand how much of an investment our luxury hair toppers are. That’s...
Topper Care: How To Keep Your Topper Looking an...
Topper Care: How To Keep Your Topper Looking and Feeling Brand New At the Lauren Ashtyn Collection, we understand how much of an investment our luxury hair toppers are. That’s...

How to Style your Lauren Ashtyn Collection Topper
This is your in-depth guide to styling your Lauren Ashtyn Collection Topper from when it first comes out of the package! We know it can be intimidating to style your topper from start to finish...
How to Style your Lauren Ashtyn Collection Topper
This is your in-depth guide to styling your Lauren Ashtyn Collection Topper from when it first comes out of the package! We know it can be intimidating to style your topper from start to finish...

Hair Toppers: Light Volume vs. Full Volume
Hair toppers are one of our most popular products at The Lauren Ashtyn Collection. They are luxury hair pieces created for women who have thinning hair, hair loss, or just...
Hair Toppers: Light Volume vs. Full Volume
Hair toppers are one of our most popular products at The Lauren Ashtyn Collection. They are luxury hair pieces created for women who have thinning hair, hair loss, or just...

Difference between Hair Toppers and Wigs
Let me introduce myself! My name is Lauren Ashtyn, I'm the owner and designer of The Lauren Ashtyn Collection. A global hair extension, wig, and hair topper company. I am...
Difference between Hair Toppers and Wigs
Let me introduce myself! My name is Lauren Ashtyn, I'm the owner and designer of The Lauren Ashtyn Collection. A global hair extension, wig, and hair topper company. I am...

Vlog Series: Episode 4 On this week's vlog we are highlighting our marketing team! We start off wtih a collaboration we did with influencer and beauty blogger, Bailey Hawkins (@baileyannhawkins)! She was so...
Vlog Series: Episode 4 On this week's vlog we are highlighting our marketing team! We start off wtih a collaboration we did with influencer and beauty blogger, Bailey Hawkins (@baileyannhawkins)! She was so...